Growth Means Change
So Much More Than Accounting: An MNP Tech Direct Guide
If your farm business is growing (pun intended) then change is a part of your life. How you adapt to the pressures inside and outside of your business will define your future success to a large degree. Who do you align with? Are the professionals that brought you here today good enough to take your business into tomorrow? It’s important to keep this in mind, and to occasionally check-in on who is doing what in the industry, because it changes all the time.
MNP is a fixture in Canadian agriculture. Chances are, if you’re in the ag sector in Canada, you’ve heard of MNP and their accounting, tax and business consulting expertise. Their team brings a range of specialized expertise in regard to all aspects of agricultural business – from primary producers through to food & beverage processors.
MNP Now Available Directly on the AGvisorPRO Connectivity Channel
At AGvisorPRO we are thrilled to welcome MNP as one of our Tech Direct Partners, and to bring their 60+ years of expertise to our network. Farming is a business. Like any business, there’s a need for people who know how to get the job done. MNP’s team of agriculture professionals is deeply rooted in Canadian agriculture, and their nuanced understanding of the ag sector underpins the professional services they provide to farmers.
We all know that MNP is the go-to source for agricultural business accounting. You may be surprised however to learn about all the other areas that MNP can help farmers with. There’s a lot more going on than just accounting. If you haven’t taken a look at MNP in a while, there’s a good chance you’re unaware of some of the things they’re doing in this industry, and AGvisorPRO is here to give you an update.
Big Dollars Big Risk
More Than Accounting
MNP helps farmers with Assurance & Accounting services, yes. They’ve been working with agricultural clients in the areas of accounting, bookkeeping and auditing for more than 60 years. When it comes to the unique reporting needs of this industry, MNP has farmers covered.
Tax Expertise at Your Fingertips
Agriculture Risk Management Resources (ARMR)
Farm Management Consultants
TransitionSMART Succession Planning
Corporate Finance
Having the right strategy can make a big difference. Whether a farmer is considering merging their operation with another, acquiring another business, raising capital, or divesting, MNP’s Corporate Finance team is here to help every step of the way.
Valuations & Litigation
For more than 60 years, MNP has represented the interests of their clients and the Canadian Agriculture industry in provincial and federal matters. When it comes to legislative and regulatory issues, MNP is at the forefront of agriculture advocacy; proactively lobbying and ensuring the views and interests of the agriculture industry are fairly represented. With their deep roots in agriculture, MNP has their finger on the pulse in a way that few other organizations are capable of.
A Corporate Champion
AGvisorPRO is Transforming How Agriculture Connects to MNP
As the agriculture industry grows and changes, AGvisorPRO knows there will always be a need for personal connection. Companies like MNP provide farmers with a wide variety of services, and AGvisorPRO provides companies like MNP with a means of maintaining a connection with producers in a remote working world. The constant evolution of this industry means that each subsequent generation of farmer has more to consider with every decision they make. We’re excited to help this sector find the expertise it needs to succeed, and we know that giving farmers the means to connect to MNP’s knowledge base is a step in the right direction.
To connect with MNP’s experts, download the AGvisorPRO app on your Apple, Android, or Desktop device. A free face-to-face session with representatives from MNP, and other amazing Tech Direct Partners is just a few clicks away. AGvisorPRO also has a diverse roster of independent agricultural experts in all facets of the food production supply chain, ready and waiting to help farmers succeed.
Visit our website today to learn more and download the app. You can even book a demo session with one of our representatives to walk you through our app and show you how it works. If there’s a question that needs to be answered, AGvisorPRO can help make that happen.