Welcome to this week in AGvisorPRO. Our weekly roundup of featured events, updates and more.
September 15th, 2023

Upcoming Webinar
Carbon Sustainability in Agriculture
September 28th, 2023 – 10AM MST
Over the past number of years, there has been no shortage of discussion around sustainability, and the possible monetization of a carbon industry for Agriculture. Join us, as we discuss some of the options, opportunities, and potential pitfalls farmers should consider when looking at this emerging market.
The Business of Agriculture
Looking from 2023 and beyond, where within our industry will there be a need for investment capital to fuel expansion to feed new demand? Biologicals? Ag tech? Real estate? Environmental? Food waste? Infrastructure?
Find out what Damian and Rob would do if they had a billion dollars:

Upcoming Event – Brandon, MB
Brandon University will Host Renowned Ag thinker Robert Saik at Free Public Lecture
“A core group of farmers will be called on to grow the vast majority of the world’s staple food supply, and while mighty in their ability they need support from the general public,” says agriculturalist Robert Saik. He will be bringing his guidance and insights to that general public at Brandon University on Saturday, Sept. 16.
Featured Article
Connecting Farmers for Sustainable Future
The Power of Agricultural Networks
“By fostering collaboration, embracing technology, and prioritizing ESG principles, AGvisorPRO is helping farmers make informed decisions and driving positive change in the agricultural industry. As we look to the future, it’s clear that agricultural networks like AGvisorPRO play a crucial role in building a more sustainable and resilient agricultural sector for generations to come.”

Webinar Recording
Augmenting Support & Mitigating The Labor Crisis
Augmenting Support & Mitigating The Labor Crisis
In case you missed our webinar with Precision Farming Dealer. The AGvisorPRO team recognizes the challenges of equipment dealerships and is building the visorPRO product as the answer. In this webinar, you will learn about what visorPRO is, how it works, and where it is heading.
This technology has been described as “revolutionary”, by Brion Torgerson, CEO of Torgerson’s Equipment in Great Falls, Montana who joined us as a panellist. Watch the recording here.